6 Ideas to Solve Digital Clutter Issues on Your Computer

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Digital clutter problems might not seem that common for some, but the reality is a bit different. Quite a few people, particularly if they are not that tech-savvy, do not realize it, and before it is too late, there is not enough space on their computer or mobile device.

So, the question is, what can one do to eliminate the clutter problem? There are quite a few options, and this article will cover the most effective solutions.

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Archive Files

Let’s start with file compression. Overall, this method is not the most efficient. After all, if you archive a file, you will need to extract it to use it. But if there is a group of files that are not of immediate use, you can archive them and keep them there until the next time you need to use the files.

If you have an MS Windows computer, Winrar is the go-to option. The situation is a bit different on macOS, but you can learn about file compression on https://setapp.com/how-to/open-tar-gz-file.

It is recommended to create a dedicated folder for archived files so that it is easier to keep track of them. 

Eliminate Redundant Clutter

Redundant clutter that accumulates over time is annoying because you cannot find these files that easily. For example, applications you use create temporary cache, extensions, and plugins. The files are hidden, and accessing them requires tinkering with the system.

Modifying system settings also comes with certain risks, specifically when you plan to modify data. You might end up removing crucial files accidentally, and there are no guarantees that you will be able to recover them.

So, the option to deal with temporary system junk is to get a cleanup utility. Automating the process with software that knows what it is doing is efficient and risk-free. 

Besides temporary files, you also have to consider things like old downloads, email attachments, localization data, duplicate files, and so on. Deleting such data permanently also helps with the overall storage on your digital device.

Try Streaming Platforms

Try Streaming Platforms

Streaming platforms are a great alternative to consuming media the old way. And by the old way, we mean keeping media files on the device if you want to access them.

Such an approach is no longer efficient, particularly when you consider how much storage media files need. Music, movies, and TV shows should be of high quality if one wants to enjoy them.

Instead of cluttering the device with large media files, you are better off sticking to streaming services. Not only are they better storage-wise, but it is also so much more convenient when you do not have to bother downloading files. Instead, the media is available on the go.

For music, there is hardly anything better than Spotify. For movies and TV shows, multiple services offer both exclusives and originals. Netflix, HBO, Amazon, Hulu, and Disney+ are the standout streaming platforms at the moment, each with different pricing plans available.

Consider External Storage

While dealing with system clutter on devices, it is worth remembering that you do not have to keep files just on the device. No, external storage is also a solution, and there are two options for it that an average person is likely to go for—cloud services and storage accessories.

  • Cloud services

For cloud services, you have a platform that functions as a storage location in a digital manner. In other words, you transfer files to digital space and keep them there.

Clouds excel in safety, so there is no need to worry about potentially losing files. Right now, most users prefer to go with Dropbox or iCloud.

  • External storage accessories

External storage accessories are a straightforward way to create extra space. By buying a hard drive or a USB flash stick, you can connect the accessory to a computer and transfer files from it to the accessory. 

Side note: Both clouds and external storage accessories are great for data backups. You can utilize the options not just as a means to reduce data clutter but also to create a safety net for your files by having an extra copy backed up.

Check for Malware

Some malware is malicious enough that it corrupts data on devices and makes files take more space. In other cases, the malware itself becomes part of the system and slowly grows over time, consuming disk space.

Reliable antivirus software should be on every computer and mobile device. Even if you are aware of potential cybersecurity threats, you cannot guarantee the safety of the device on your own. 

Reinstall the Operating System

Reinstall the Operating System

Sometimes, giving the device a fresh start is the best way to go about it. Reinstalling an operating system is like a clean slate.

The data gets wiped, you will have more disk space to work with, and the overall performance of the device improves. Before you commit, though, be sure to back up files that you want to keep after reinstalling the OS.

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